Do it Right this Tax Season, and File with the Finest

Nobody likes tax time, and cannabis companies experience unique suffering when it comes to tax return filing. With tax audits 4 times more common for a cannabis business than any other type of business, accuracy is critical. Raising an audit flags can sink a company quickly, so you need a team you can count on to ensure precision accuracy in your tax filing. You need cannabis trained CPAs who want you to succeed in this industry. With Our Green CPA, we help you achieve this by offering:

  • 280E Tax Return Preparation and Filing by cannabis specialized CPAs to ensure you save on federal and state income taxes

  • Maximized deductions and credits including R&D credits, cost segregation analysis, and accounting method evaluation

  • Tax Relief Opportunities to resolve your tax debt when you are not sure what to do next

  • State and Federal Tax Filing that auditors agree with and ensure you don’t overpay a penny

  • Cannabis Tax Strategy to carve your future path, maximize bottom line

  • Big tax savings to gain the competitive advantage over the businesses who don’t leverage the unique tax breaks available to cannabis companies

No matter what state, size, or vertical you are in, we can file a fantastic return for your cannabis company! So if you are tired of tax uncertainty, let us file your best tax return this year. It’s not too late, so reach out today and see how we can possibly help.